Fábregas contributes to the sustainable project “Tarragona, Vila Florida”

Recently, Fábregas took part in the “Tarragona, Vila Florida” project in collaboration with the Conselleria de Parcs i Jardins. Our involvement included supplying and installing the ALVIUM planters, 100% recyclable.

This spring,  schools in Tarragona, particularly those certified as a Green Schools, will receive three planters from the mentioned collection in different sizes and colours. They will actively participate in collaborative planting initiatives.

We are proud to be part of urban initiatives that aim to promote sustainability. In the next few lines we will delve into more details about the project.

What is “Tarragona, Vila Florida”?

Viles Florides is an initiative led by the CHOC (Confederation of Ornamental Horticulture of Catalonia) aimed at fostering environmental respect and sustainability of towns and cities.

Before granting this designation, the jury evaluates the landscape and plant heritage, taking into account other factors such as floral diversity, species selection, landscape integration, and resources allocated to maintenance, among others.

This way, the effort that each City Council is putting into ecological transformation of the town or city is publicly evaluated.

Since 2020, Tarragona has been part of the prestigious Viles Florides being the largest and most significant in the entire Autonomous Community. Additionally, last September, it was honoured with 3 flowers of distinction, recognising the city’s efforts to improve urban spaces.

If you want to read the press release of the Tarragona City Council, click on this link.

At Grup Fábregas, we research the most environmentally friendly materials to offer practical solutions for ecological initiatives in urban equipment. We manufacture product lines with environmental considerations in mind because we want to be part of projects like “Tarragona, Vila Florida”. We put our experience and know-how at the service of sustainable transformation


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