Urban accessibility: When design prioritises everyone’s wellbeing

The design of public spaces has a direct impact on the quality of life of those who use them. Investing in accessible environments not only benefits people with reduced mobility or functional diversity but also enhances the experience for all citizens.

At Grup Fábregas, we design every urban element with an inclusive approach, helping to create more functional, safe, and welcoming cities. Below, we highlight some design features that may go unnoticed but are carefully developed to make everyday life easier for everyone.

Accessible urban furniture: Design for all

A bench, a bin or a fountain can be much more than just objects in the urban landscape. Their design can either facilitate or hinder use by different groups, such as older adults, children, or people with disabilities.

  • Benches with armrests, allowing easier sitting and standing.
  • Bins at different heights with simple openings for one-handed use.
  • Fountains with taps at different levels, accessible to adults, children, and wheelchair users.
  • Vibrant-coloured polyethylene furniture, enhancing visual contrast and visibility for people with visual impairments.

Accessible manhole covers and grates: Safety in public spaces

Manhole covers and grates on roads and pavements can become obstacles if they are not properly designed. At Fábregas, we manufacture them with accessibility in mind.

  • Level with the ground, preventing trips and improving mobility for wheelchairs and pushchairs.
  • Non-slip textured surfaces, reducing the risk of slipping, even in wet conditions.
  • Tactile paving markers, helping visually impaired individuals detect pavement changes.

Urban road safety elements: Organising public spaces for everyone

Road infrastructure does more than regulate traffic -it must structure urban space in a way that allows all users to move safely and comfortably. Key examples include:

  • Traffic separators that define spaces without creating impassable physical barriers.
  • High-contrast bollards to prevent accidental collisions.
  • Clear and coherent signage, adapted to different levels of understanding and perception.

Grup Fábregas, commited to more inclusive cities

Accessibility is a core principle in urban design. Every detail contributes to making cities more functional, safe, and comfortable for everyone. At Grup Fábregas, we continue to innovate, developing solutions that help create better-designed, more inclusive urban environments.

If you are planning an urban project and want to incorporate accessible elements, contact us! We will help you find the best solutions.


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