Stimulate children’s learning with slides in the city

There is no better way to learn than playing. Kids love spending time outdoors and with other kids. That is why playgrounds and specially slides are a good choice.

Although at first sight it may seem like spaces for infants to unburden and have fun, there is so much more behind it. Each attraction aims to activate their physical, mental and emotional development.

Clearly, the needs vary from age to age. Then, the slides and other park equipment must also do so.

Here is how playgrounds influence their personal growth.

Virtues that encourage slides and other park attractions

Equipamiento de playas, tarea postvacacional de ayuntamientos

To begin with, the concept of the playground itself as a space teaches the basic rules of coexistence among children. There, they must learn to accept the rules of use of attractions, socialize with other kids and share. It is also a time when they accept the importance of respecting waits to access attractions.

In addition, slides, swings and rockers improve the sense of balance while helping the child exercise without even realizing. And when they include climbing walls or climbing fire bars, children activate their muscles.

There are other areas that stimulate creativity and imagination, such as castles and towers where stories are recreated. Or even multigame tables that encourage cognitive skills.

From Grup Fábregas we recommend that both the installations of slides and other attractions have the support and professional advice of specialized companies with a long history in the sector.

Ask for information to implement or improve your city’s playgrounds.


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