Anti-bomb paper bins to improve safety in cities

Strengthen security is a vital point for citizens and it has a path of improvement in the majority of the European cities. That is why they are looking for new formulas and urban elements that facilitate the work of the security forces, as are the anti-bomb bins.

Urban furniture to improve security

The ways of carrying out terrorist actions are changing and with them also the ways of protecting the citizens security. Many cities are already taking measures to prevent vehicle access to very crowded areas by pedestrians. The most common way to do this is with bollards and planters

papelera antibombas

Devices of this type are installed at the entrance and exit of the pedestrian streets preventing you can access these areas with vehicles.

On the other hand, both in pedestrian areas as in common, streets the bins are an indispensable element to keep the city clean and attractive. But they can be a challenge when it comes to ensuring the security of citizens, since making a closer inspection of all of them may take a lot of time.

In Fábregas we have anti-bomb bins that have been designed to improve security. They are available in different models to suit the aesthetics of any city.

What differentiates the product from other similar is that they are completely transparent. In this way, when the State Security Forces and Bodies have to do an inspection of their content can do it quicker, with a single look they can see if there is something suspicious.

The anti-bomb bins can also be useful if the citizens detect that something goes wrong. As its contents can be clearly seen, if any person sees something strange in one of them can immediately contact the police.

Safety and design

European cities are being forced to take measures to protect its citizens and this is causing changes in the urban landscape. But to adopt security measures it does not have to be at odds with enjoying a urban furniture of last generation.


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